Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Sick Life

There are many reasons I hate being sick, as I'm sure many of you can relate. But one of the biggest reasons is because I feel like I waste so much time!!! Yesterday I felt so sick when I was done with work that I came home, popped in a Saved by the Bell DVD and watched my favorite tv show for over 5 hours!! I went to bed early that night and missed my class this morning, which means I slept for about 12 hours straight. While there is part of me that loves being able to shirk all of my responsibilities to waste my life on the couch, it does get old pretty fast. On the bright side, I usually only get really sick during Christmas or Thanksgiving break so I guess I should enjoy the fact that I'm sick this time without missing out on all the holiday fun!


Dan said...

Watching 5 hours of Saved by the Bell is NEVER wasted time. Sick or not.

this is halee *as in berry* said...

First, I agree with Dan. And second...if you got me sick I'm going to cry.

Holly said...

Ugh, I hate being sick. Hope you get feeling better!

Kelli said...

Unfortunately Halee, I'm pretty sure Dan was being very sarcastic in his remarks. Ten mins of Saved by the Bell is a waste to him... he just isn't cultured enough to watch it!

Mary said...

I can't believe you are sick again. It seems like you have been sick several times since you got married. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy all of the holidays the rest of the year in good health!!

Jeni said...

I can totally relate. Although there are those days that I am completely healthy but going a million miles an hour that I actually think - I need a sick day to just lay in bed all day and rest...but when that day actually comes I can't stand thinking about all that is not getting done! I hope you stay healthy for christmas break though!!

kristi said...

PLEASE!! I LOVE sick days. Reading, catching up on great flicks or tv shows - what's not to like?? I guess besides the puking, the nausea, the drippy nose, the headaches, the bad hair day, the clogged goopy nose later on, the cold chills, the hot spells, the chicken noodle soup... you know....