Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween, Doctors, and Family Time

The weekend started out being really great for us. Friday night we went to our ward Halloween party. I'm glad we went because hardly anyone was there! I felt really bad for those who had put a lot of work into it. It was a pretty lame party, but we did meet a lot of nice people! After the party we went to watch Bella at BYU's International Cinema. It was SUCH a great movie and I highly recommend it.

Richard got my cold a week or two ago but has been feeling slightly better lately. However, Saturday morning, he woke up with a very sore throat and we could see a bunch of nasty white stuff on one of his tonsils (ha ha, good description, huh?). We took him in to be tested for strep (and spent about 2 hours between the doctor's office and the pharmacy trying to get him taken care of) but it came back negative (although they told us those quick tests are only about 70% accurate). They put him on antibiotics and told him that if he doesn't feel better in a few days, it could be mono. Wonderful... It was a gorgeous day outside and I got a good run in but poor Richard had to spend the day resting. I ran around trying to take care of him, clean as much of the house as I could, and finish a TON of homework that has caught up with me.

Sunday Richard was feeling even worse but still went to Church and we had a GREAT sacrament meeting. That night we had our monthly FHE with my family at Grandma and Grandpa DuVall's house. My Aunt Rita taught a lesson on forgiveness and really started me thinking about some things I need to be changing in my life. My cute Grandma had put together a scavenger hunt for Halloween items around her house and then Scott provided some yummy cookies for dessert.

Even though I can't say the same for Richard, it was a great weekend for me!!


kristi said...

Ummm - sounds like you were the one that didn't have too much fun on Saturday! :) Sleeping and watching movies - what a great way to spend the day. :) Glad to see you at FHE. Hope your week is as good as your weekend.

Holly said...

Ah, step. My best friend :-)

I hope Richard gets feeling better soon. I assume it wasn't strep or he would have been feeling much better on Sunday. Stay far, far away from him so you don't get it!

this is halee *as in berry* said...

Infectious mononucleosis, also known as Pfeiffer's disease, mono (in the United States of America) and more commonly known as glandular fever in other English-speaking countries, is an infectious disease. It occurs most commonly in adolescents and young adults, where it is characterized by fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and fatigue. Infectious mononucleosis typically produces a mild illness and is often asymptomatic. Mononucleosis is predominantly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which infects B cells (B-lymphocytes), producing a reactive lymphocytosis predominantly consisting of atypical lymphocytes, a specific type of T-cell that gives the disease its name.

Just thought you should be aware. I got it from wikipedia. It's the most reliable source because anyone can write anything they want on there, so you know you're getting the best information. I think I butchered that quote, but if you don't get it, Richard better.