Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Fun" New Calling

I love playing the piano! I didn't always, but now that I have the skills and don't have to practice, it is a lot of fun and very relaxing. However, I have a really hard time playing it for other people. So, I guess Heavenly Father decided that I needed to get outside my comfort zone a little bit because I was called to be the ward pianist. It's interesting how teaching doesn't scare me at all, like it would a lot of people, but playing the piano in front of people does. It even took me a while to be able to play the piano in front of Richard! However, I have not been able to play the piano in a long time so I am really excited to be able to practice for my calling and fine-tune my skills that have become rusty. And at least they didn't ask me to play the organ! :) Even though I had to be convinced by Richard that I COULD do this calling, I am grateful that I finally do have a calling in the ward. The Church is true and I love it! Wish me luck in my new calling.


Mary said...

Hey that is way cool, Kelli. I am sure proud of you for accepting something that you are not as comfortable doing. Will you just play the piano during the meetings, then? Do you have to play for the choir or at other things too? I sure miss hearing you play the piano on Sundays after church. Those are some of my best memories listeing to my daughters play the piano!!

kristi said...

GOOD LUCK!! You will do FANTASTIC!! And the best part about the calling is, like you said, that it will force you to practice again. I miss Holly being here cause that was the only time I was "forced" to practice was for her. But I loved it because normally that isn't a priority for me. WAHOO!! CONGRATS!!

jkimball said...

When I was little my mom used to make me practice the piano. It became such a fight that she let me quit but she always said I would regret it... She was right. Now I keep begging Nick for a piano so I can take lessons again. A piano is somewhere behind a fence, college savings funds for kids... one day I will get lessons. Have fun with it Kelli.

Ashlee said...

In my opinion, nothing is better than a musical calling. I loved being the relief society and choir pianist. It does take some time to get over the nervousness of playing in front of an entire congregation, but seriously you start to get used to it. You will do great! Good Luck!

Holly said...

That's great, Belle. Good luck!

this is halee *as in berry* said...

Man, do you realize what I would give to fall asleep on a huge beanbag while your playing the piano right now? Basically almost everything I own...in case you were wondering. ;) You'll be great Koolness.