Saturday, October 11, 2008

Born to teach

This last week, Richard was observed by another professor to see how he's doing in his teaching. And, of course, he got an amazing review!!! The only criticism she had for him was that he needed to have the students repeat words more than once when they studied vocabulary, but other than that she had nothing but good things to say about him. She told him that she noticed a great relationship between him and his students and a couple of them even went up to her and told her that they love having him as a teacher! Then she told him that most of those things can't be taught and that some people are just born to teach! I have been to his class twice and KNOW that what she said was true, Richard is just naturally a great teacher. And I am SO proud of him!!!!!!!!!


Jeni said...

I hate to admit that I don't know much about Richard - what does he teach? Knowing what I do, I can see how he would be so good at it!

Holly said...

Way to go Richard! We'll have to take a lesson from you...

Kelli said...

Richard teaches Spanish 101 here at BYU. They rarely let undergrads teach, but they didn't have enough teachers this semester so he applied and got the job!