Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Testimony

The other day I received a comment on one of my posts from someone I did not know. This person asked me if I have ever thought that the Mormon Church might not be true. I guess my first reaction was that I was insulted that he was insinuating that I had ignorantly followed this faith without ever finding out for myself that it was true. My next thought was that I felt sorry for this man who had, at one time, had the truth in his life and had chosen to leave it behind for something that he felt was better. If anything, reading about how his life is different now and the bad things that he has to say about the Mormons strengthened my testimony instead of shooting it down. It was so sad for me to see someone who was so lost and confused when he didn't have to be, and I'm grateful that I have so many things to point me in the right direction. But to this man who has lost his testimony and to everyone else who reads this- I want you to know that I KNOW that Christ lives and that he is the head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints today. I KNOW that my Heavenly Father loves me and is constantly watching over and protecting me and that His greatest desire is for me to be happy. I KNOW that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and I'm very grateful I have those words in my life to help me to know what do. I KNOW that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God to bring forth this Gospel to bless all of us and I KNOW that Pres. Monson is a true Prophet of God and that he is speaking for God to all of His children and that if we listen to his counsel, we will be blessed. I KNOW that Christ's Atonement was for ME and for all of us and I am so grateful for that selfless gift that was given so that we could return to our loving Father. I KNOW that I have struggled and searched and found my own testimony and that nobody will be able to convince me otherwise. I have a testimony of my Heavenly Father and I would never go back on that after He has blessed me with so much. I love having the Gospel in my life and I don't know how I would get through a marriage, get through school, get through hard times, or get through ANYTHING without it!!! And I say that in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.


Mary said...

Kel, sounds like you are getting to serve your mission afterall!!! I am sure proud of you and certainly felt the power of your testimony even though we are thousands of miles apart. Thanks for being such a great example.

kristi said...

You are AMAZING Kel. Your testimony has always given me a lot of strength. I appreciate you sharing this. You are a true missionary - nametag or not. Love ya

Jeni said...

When you know you know! And nothing anyone can say can change it. Thanks so much for sharing!