Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sprinkles Anyone?

Have you ever spilled hundreds of teeny tiny sprinkles all over your kitchen table and floor?  No? Well, there's no need to experience it for yourself because I have now done it and I can just tell you what it's like. First, you give a startled scream when the lid pops off because it caught you off guard. Then you see the terrified look on your daughter's face and laugh hysterically for about 5 minutes while the situation sinks in. Then you take a few pictures to remember the moment. 
 (This is only what was on the table. About twice as much was actually on the floor!)
And finally you spend half the night wiping off the table and sweeping, sweeping and re-sweeping the area until you think you got them all.  Oh ya, and then you sweep again a few days later and find even more sprinkles that have managed to sneak into all the tiny scratches and crevices in your wood floor. Overall impression?  Funny at first, but I would not recommend trying this for yourself. Just the fact that I did it should be enough for your amusement :)


Cheri said...

It did wonders for my amusement. I laughed throughout you description of it, especially since it did just happen to me on Friday when I was making 150 cake pops for a friends wedding.

Mary said...

Ha Ha Ha. Nothing worse than a mess that keeps on giving for weeks. It sounds as bad as the prom dance room decorating messes with darn little sparkley things that you keep finding for years and years not matter how well you thought you vacuumed.

kristi said...

I didn't quite understand how annoying it was - so I decided to try it. It was AWFUL! Next time could you use better describing words so I don't suffer as you have suffered....