Tuesday, January 24, 2012


 We finally got our first "real" snowfall where the snow stayed for more than a day and was an inch or two.  However that snow is already gone so it didn't last too long!  Just long enough for Kaylee to have her first experience playing in the snow with daddy.  I am loving that we haven't had much snow, but I do wish for one enormous snowstorm, just so Kaylee can have a good experience building a snowman, making snow angels, and throwing snowballs at Richard


kristi said...

She looks SOOO grown up with the little scarf! Can't believe how much she has grown!

Mary said...

I know that sounds fun, but I don't ever wish for snow. I have absolutely loved this incredibly unusual dry winter we have had. I wish all of our winters were like this. Hope you order some great weather while I am there:)!!