Monday, January 30, 2012


Kaylee is such a good negotiator- I have no idea where she got this skill from. She can talk her daddy into absolutely anything and she's pretty good at working me over too :) My two favorite ways she does it is:

#1 "Can I have some (gum, candy, lotion, etc)?" 
     "No Kaylee not right now"
     "Ok, just a little bit then"

And #2 happens when she wants to sit with us in the rocking chair instead of going to bed.
"Rock for minute?"
"Not tonight sweetie"
"Ok. Rock two minutes?"

Ha ha. It is so adorable!! And who knows? Maybe she'll be a great lawyer one day!


lisa said...

Ha! Riker does this too!
"Cup of juice?"
"No, you can have water."
"Okay, milk instead."
Must be the age!

Mary said...

What a smartie she is. She knows how to get her way. I wish I was that good at getting what I want - although I am sure your dad would say I always get my way:)!! I am going to have to take lessons from her while I am there.

kristi said...

A girl after my own heart. Love. Her!! She and I must be twins... just separated by a couple years....