Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sunday Scavenger Hunt

 Last Sunday all of us except Richard were finally feeling better after the yucky stomach flu, but we decided not to go to church just in case we were still contagious. After spending the whole week cooped up inside I was going pretty crazy. So to entertain Kaylee (AKA me) I decided on the spur of the moment to do a scavenger hunt. I dug through my craft box and came up with some string and wound it around the house a few times, leading Kaylee to different prizes at the end. 
 She wanted to skip over the string and go right to whatever was at the end, but I tried to keep her on the string, if nothing else to make my hard work worth something!  Ha ha. I'm not sure she really understood it, but it kept me entertained for the afternoon and she was always happy to find the prize at the end, especially her favorite Brutus doll :)


Julie said...

Looks like a fun afternoon. I had someone ask me to a dance that way once :)

kristi said...

Ju - I TOTALLY remember that. I followed it around with you...

Kel - I'm glad she finally played along to make you and your hard work feel better. ha ha

Holly said...

I love how her most favorite prize ever is her Brutus doll. That is hilarious. Maybe M will like it too?????

Mary said...

What a cute idea. Sounds like a fun way to spend the afternoon.