Saturday, August 11, 2012

Utah: Week Two

Sorry for the delay in blogging AGAIN.  We had some super awesome unexpected visitors this week so we were partying hard instead of blogging :)  Let's see if I can still remember what went on in Utah....

This is the first time I got sick on this trip (yes, there was ANOTHER time if you can believe it!). So I was down pretty much all day Sunday and Monday. Luckily Richard was still able to go with his family to the cabin all day Monday, riding four-wheelers, playing games, and just having fun playing with his family. 
Wednesday was July 4th and we started off the day early by decorating our stroller and letting the kids walk/ride in our little neighborhood parade.  Kaylee had a BLAST waving her flag and saying hi to all the people watching. 
We ended at the big neighborhood breakfast where they did a small program and I was able to see a bunch of my old ward members that I haven't seen for a very long time.  It was really fun to see everyone again!
We didn't do much else until about 4:30 when the rest of the family came over.  My mom had some super fun games planned and then we had a BBQ and ended the night with doing fireworks in the driveway. I thought this was a really cute picture of Kaylee conspiring with her cousins.
I can't even tell you how freaked out I was to have Kaylee hold a sparkler but Richard insisted she get the experience.  Let's just say I had my eyes turned away from them for the entire time and if it had gone on much longer I might have had a mini heart attack!

Thursday was Richard's 10 year high school reunion, which he was in charge of. Note to self- don't let any of my kids marry the class president!  It was a lot of work, especially trying to plan everything from Ohio.  But he had a lot of help and somehow they all pulled it off.  I was dreading going but I ended up having a lot of fun.  Probably because Richard has the best high school friends ever and they are awesome about talking to me too. We slept in Provo that night and the next night which was good because we saw more of Richard's family but also horrible because Kaylee was not sleeping.  She went to bed at 11 or 12 three nights in a row without taking a nap and as you can imagine was a complete ray of sunshine (not). But we still managed to have a lot of fun.  Friday we went to Seven Peaks.
Kaylee was even brave enough to go down one of the big slides with me, although I forgot to cover her face at the end and she got water straight up her nose.  Needless to say, she didn't want to ride with me again :)
Saturday we took family pictures which went about as well as it should with 31 people, most of which are under 11. 
After we made it through the craziness of pictures we had a BBQ/swimming party. Mostly the girls chatted and the boys swam and played with the kids, which was just fine by me!
We were lucky that Richard's sister, Laura, made the trip up from St George to see us and be there for the family parties. Now she just needs to come a little further and visit us in Ohio, right??  ;) We headed back up to Salt Lake after the party and luckily both kids passed out on the way home. We gave them one slightly relaxing day on Sunday and then started up all the family fun again!


Cheri said...

It is sure good to see some of the pictures you were able to get while you were here. I feel the same way about those sparklers. My heart jumps into my throat when those are lit up.

Greta Henricksen said...

I am glad you came, even though you were sick for part of it, tired for most of it, and in heart failure mode for a little of it! :)