Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ohio State Fair

We decided to check out the Ohio State Fair this year but we definitely picked the wrong day to go- it was SO hot and humid.  I was dying.  I don't like being hot any time but I especially hate the humidity!  I was a little sad that they didn't have much for kids but we did find a few fun things to do.  We made a few crafts
 took a bunch of pictures in front of random things we saw
(this sculpture is made out of all butter! It was amazing)
and visited the petting zoo, in which Kaylee was too scared to actually pet most of the animals.  The pictures look red because we were inside a red tent. 
They had some really cool animals at this petting zoo including a zebra, although that was one of the few animals you couldn't pet. (Does that make sense to anyone??)
We also watched a piglet race, which was adorable.  Why are baby pigs so cute?  I don't get it either, but they are. And we walked around looking at a lot of really boring cows, horses, and sheep because that is what Kaylee wanted to do the most.
I love this picture.  If only she could r e a c h a little bit further!
It was pretty fun (except for the heat of course) but I think next year we'll look for a little more kid friendly way to spend our money.  As we were leaving we saw a few booths that were giving away free pulled pork and ribs for a cook-off they were having. So we filled up on red meat for lunch and left with our bellies full.  Can't ask for more than that! :)


Cheri said...

That is a lot of butter. I wonder if they will recycle it and use it in something more edible.

Holly said...

Seriously? A sculpture made out of butter. That is just wrong...

Mary said...

Hey they have one of those every single year at the Utah State Fair. It must be a "Fair" thing. You two sure find a lot of fun things to do around Ohio. I am very impressed. Poor Kenna sure didn't get to be in many pictures this time!! Thanks for posting!!

Jen and Tyson said...

awe gotta love the butter sculptures! :) love the ohio state fair! looks like you had a blast!!! :)