Saturday, December 17, 2011

1st Outing

The weather here has been fairly nice for December (except for today when we are FINALLY seeing our first flakes of snow!) so on Monday we decided to be brave and take McKenna out for her first adventure. We went back to the Franklin Conservatory to see what they had set up for Christmas. There really isn't much to do there except walk around and look at things, but at least it's somewhere else for Kaylee to run around. And everything was really beautiful:
 They had an exhibit with original drawings from the Grinch cartoon:
an enormous Christmas tree made entirely of poinsettias:
 and a huge display of houses, trains, and characters from a ton of different fairy tales. The main castle in the center is Cinderella's castle and they also had Rapunzel, the old woman in the shoe, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio and a bunch of others I can't remember.
 I have no idea what this was made out of, but it was really cool to see.  The whole thing was spinning and they had two different trains that circled around it as well. I was pretty scared to take McKenna out for the first time, but she was an angel. I have this bad habit of always imaging the worst and so I'm always pleasantly surprised when things go well :) Even though she was a good girl, she always looked extremely bored:
I guess it takes more than a few flowers and lights to impress her!


Julie said...

Love McKenna's face there. My kids all think that tree is so cool too.

kristi said...

Wow - that place looks really cool. Glad Keylaa likes it so much! Fun first outing as a family!

kristi said...

PS - the Grinch pictures are SWEEEEEEET!!!! Especially since I'm wearing my Grinch pants right now! :)

Mary said...

I am sure McKenna has that expression because she misses me so much like I miss her:)!!

Holly said...

Ok, I need proof that you actually were pregnant and delivered a baby because you don't look like it at all! How are you fitting in your clothes three weeks after giving birth? Amazing.

Cheri said...

It is always nice to get out for an adventure after having a baby. I get so cooped up. It is definitely a bit more work with two but enjoy the part where you can control where she is and she can't move on her own yet.