Sunday, December 18, 2011


Lost: One Giant Helping of Christmas Spirit
You could blame my lack of Christmas Spirit on a lot of things this year.  It could be that I haven't been to one holiday party (they all took place right after McKenna was born) or that it hasn't snowed here at all so it doesn't feel like December yet.  It might be the fact that I skipped our annual tradition of watching The Grinch on Thanksgiving or the fact that I haven't really listened to my favorite Christmas songs (Josh Groban Christmas anyone?). It could be the fact that I got my Christmas shopping done really early and haven't been in all the craziness that happens in stores around this time of year or the fact that I won't get to see the lights on Temple Square this year for the first time...probably ever. You could definitely blame it on the pregnancy hormones still raging through me or the fact that I won't get to be with our families this year on Christmas. But whatever the cause, I have definitely not felt any Christmas cheer so far this year. If anyone finds an extra piece of Christmas Spirit laying around, could you please send it my way? 


Julie said...

Ditto! :) Sorry you didn't get to make it to the whole party tonight. We love you!

Mary said...

This has been a very unusual Christmas for all of us. I unfortunately am feeling the same way. We sure miss having all of you around.

Cheri said...

I know I have felt that way in years past and didn't feel like doing anything but felt the pressure to get neighbor gifts ready and when I did start getting them ready the Christmas spirit started creeping in and filling me up. I don't know if it will work for you but it always works for me.