Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sad Commentary on our Times

This semester I'm taking a family recreation class, which is a lot of fun. The book we just finished reading is called Intentional Families. As you probably know, entropy in science basically means that if something is left alone, it will eventually disintegrate to it's most fundamental parts. The author argues that if families are left alone and not continually worked on, they will also give in to entropy until there is nothing left. They have found that the best way to prevent entropy in the marriage relationship is 15 mins of GOOD communication daily. This means 15 mins without the tv or other distractions, and talking about your day, your feelings, and your worries and joys without just listing off things that need to be done around the house or problems with the kids. Unfortunately, my teacher said that the majority of couples (meaning 75% or higher) don't do this!!! It only take 15 mins and yet we can't find that time in the day to work on our relationship because there are too many other things going on. That made me so sad to hear that statistic but I guess it is one good way to explain why divorce is so common these days. If we're not willing to have a worthwhile chat with our spouse for only 15 mins a day, what could possibly be left of the relationship? This has just been on my mind since I heard that, so I thought I would share this with you and encourage you to make the most time for your family and know that there is truly nothing more important!

1 comment:

kristi said...

No, I didn't know what entropy meant - so thanks for explaining. Course you seem to have to do that A LOT for me!! :) Anyways - that is a very sad concept. It's sad to think that something so simple can fix a lot of problems. Thanks for the reminder - we all need to do better!