Thursday, April 17, 2008

Making some money

I have never had good luck with textbook sell-back. Usually I spend less than all my friends at the beginning of the semester, but then I come away with less than $40 at the end (And yes, $40 is the most I've ever received back!) However, this semester I had to spend a little more and had two books leftover from last semester that I couldn't sell back at the time. Since I have no more finals to study for from my textbooks, I could sell ALL of them back on the first day of sell-backs. Which means that this morning I walked away with $245!!!!! I'm pretty sure that's more than I even spent on books this semester.... what could be a better start to my morning?!?


Julie said...

Buy back day was my favorite day of the semester! (Even though I tried not to remember how much I paid for them in the first place) Yeah for the bonus of making money on the deal!

Holly said...

Swweeet! I have never made even close to that. You'll have to go on a fun shopping spree...