Have you ever had a week (or two or three) where it feels as if everything you do is wrong and nothing happens the way it should, no matter how hard you try? That could describe my life pretty well the past two weeks. Although I've been super stressed all semester, it seems as if the world has decided to crash down on me lately, just to see how much I can handle. I've never cried so hard, prayed so long, or relied on someone so much (good thing Richard can be strong for me!) to get me through those hard times. However, even through the bad times, it's amazing to see how Heavenly Father adds extra blessings as well to balance it out. So I've taken inspiration from Kristi's blog and decided to talk about blessings that have been given to me instead of doing more complaining, which is something I am usually much better at :)
1- I have the most amazing fiance in the whole world who is willing to do anything for me and has helped me more than anyone ever has. He really is the only thing that has gotten me through these last 5 months (although I have had help from a lot of others too, so thanks!)
2- I have a wonderful family who have helped me with every aspect of my wedding plans (on top of the usual love and support they give me) since my mom isn't here to guide me through it
3- Speaking of, my mom gets to come home in LESS THAN A MONTH for my birthday, endowment, wedding, and Mother's Day. What an excellent time for her to come home, and I can't wait!
4- I work with the most positive, righteous person I've ever met and she's a great influence on me. She really does inspire me to be better, simply through the example she is in the three hours we are here every day. Also, I just found out that we get to work together full-time the entire summer!
5- Even though I have had a lot of not-so-fun things happen lately, they have been spaced out enough so that I could deal with them. My two huge term projects were due a week apart so that I had adequate time to work on both of them (Especially after losing the first one to do a computer problem!). Also, Sunday was a horrible day for me and I was about ready to break. However, Monday was a MUCH better day and because of this, when my roommates presented me with a lot of complaints they had about my behavior, I was able to deal with them better. If they would have said anything to me on Sunday, I would have snapped! Timing is everything! (This is definitely something Richard had to point out to me as well. That was definitely not something I was thinking about after it happened!!! Thanks for helping me be more positive!)
6- Even though a long engagement was hard, it gave us enough time to spread the plans out and get things done as we could. We have never been running around, trying to get things scheduled at the last minute. Because of this, plans were fun and not as stressful as they could have been
7- I have nearly killed myself with school this semester. However, because of the hard work (and a lot of help from up above!), I am getting away with very good grades in all of my classes again. I've been very blessed to have always done well in school
8- We have another great offer for a different apartment complex, which is at an even better price than we could've hoped for. We have been very well taken care of in our planning for the future
9- Spring is nearly here! I love the warmth and the sunshine and having the cold weather leave always puts me in a better mood. Doing homework outside with the sun shining down always makes it seem much more bearable
10- And finally (even though there are MANY more I could talk about), I am getting married in exactly a month and two days. I couldn't ask for a better man to be with who makes me want to try harder, change, and become better all around. I have been so blessed by having someone who is patient enough to deal with me, who loves me enough to make everything worth it, who is righteous and worthy to be a great husband and father, and who I love more than anything in the world!!!
Thank you to everyone who helps me out every day. I know that I have been so blessed by my loving Heavenly Father who is ALWAYS watching over me!
CALM DOWN KEL!!! Ha ha - I KNOW you love when I tell you that. I'm proud that you are focusing on your blessings. It truly is amazing as the song says how doubts and fears will fly away when we count our many blessings. You're amazing!
A new apartment for the summer or for fall?
For the summer AND fall. We can't decide which one to take now because this new one is a better deal, but we had already signed the contract for the first one. We're going to look at the new one tonight to see if it's even worth trying to sell our contract. I'll keep you posted!
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