Friday, April 11, 2008

I am my mother's daughter

As much as I don't like to admit it, I am pretty OCD about certain things. I never noticed how bad I was until I moved in with 5 other girls that I drive nuts by my weird habits. For example:

1- I am obsessed about a clean pillow. I hate other people touching it, laying on it, or even taking it other places other than at the head of my bed. I have an anxiety attack every time someone's foot touches my pillow and I have 3 different pillow cases that I rotate through in about a 2 week period because I always think my pillow is dirty

2- Once I move in to a place and get the kitchen set up, I don't like to move things around within the cupboards. One they are there, that is where they always go. Even when the bowls are on the other side of the cupboard, I have to slide them over to make them go where they belong. It's weird, I know

3- I have to have the kitchen area clean before I go to bed. Even if my bedroom is a complete mess, it's only the kitchen that really bothers me. I will stay up late to get the dishes done, wipe off the counters, and even take out the trash if that is what it takes

4- All the movies have to be straight in the entertainment center. If any of them are crooked or if a tall Disney cover is stuck in the middle of two normal-sized DVDs, I have to get up to fix it. I also like to have them alphabetized, but I won't freak out quite as much if they're not.

5- My email inboxes always have be cleaned out. I either delete thing immediately after responding to them or I sort them into their own little folders. I hate opening my email to see 100s of old emails that I will probably never look at again.

6- And finally, the clothes in my closet are all arranged according to color and size (meaning all the long-sleeve shirts are separate from the short-sleeve ones which are separate from my dresses, etc.) It makes getting dressed in the morning so much easier!

These are just a few examples of how crazy I am, but I am sure there are many others. No one will ever doubt whose daughter I am!!! :)


this is halee *as in berry* said...

My mommy always says: "Mirror mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all."

I wrote it wrong the first time so I deleted it. I had to say it the other freaked me out, but I think it's a good thing :).

Scott DuVall said...

The other day Clark came up to the U to meet with me and said - I can't believe how young the kids on campus keep getting!

Maybe that is the problem. You are dealing with children. Anyway, it is good practice for when you have them! I personally think that a clean person is the best room mate. I would hate to be the room mate that had to be talked to constantly because they were a slob, kept putting their gross feet on my pillow, etc. I'm proud to say that my sister is the room mate that dirty people can't stand!

kristi said...
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kristi said...


kristi said...

You're really weird. (Name that movie.) Even though you really are and I'm not just asking for the movie quote!! :)

Unknown said...

Kelli, you would LOVE to hang out in my linen closet! My towels have to be folded seam-side in, fourths, then thirds so they fit perfectly on the shelf. Poor steve won't even attempt to fold them any more because he knows I will just re-do it anyway. And, next time I vaccuum I just might call you over to admire my perfectly proportioned triangles. We could really get along...

Holly said...

I can't believe you alphabetize your movies when you always gave Mom such a hard time about it!