Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beautiful Fall

After a teaser week of freezing cold wind and rain, Ohio has decided to show us why fall is so great on the East Coast.  
 I don't remember ever feeling such perfect weather in my life.  If only it would stay this way!  Kaylee and I have been trying to take advantage and spend lots and lots of time outside.  One huge perk to being here?  Apparently Utah got snow this week.  And quite honestly, I took extreme satisfaction in going outside that day in shorts to play at the park. :) We love fall!!


Julie said...

Hey - we are going to be back to the 70s this week too. Totally not an excuse for not being in Utah :)

kristi said...

WOW - REALLY pretty pictures. Looks great!

Mary said...

I love those pictures. Nice job of capturing fall. I sure had a shock when I left Salt Lake after 85 degree weather all month, went to Arizona's perfect 85 degree weather and then flew back to Salt Lake for a 39 degree high and snow clear down to the benches. How is that possible???

Greta Henricksen said...
