Monday, November 14, 2011

All Grown Up?

I don't know if it's because I have a new baby on the brain or if Kaylee hit a gigantic growth spurt, but lately she has been looking SO BIG and grown up to me!!!  Her hair is long enough to put in two adorable pigtails, she loves to do everything on her own, and we can actually have a conversation in which she usually manages to make me laugh.  I love my big girl but when Daddy brought up our old car seat to get ready for baby's arrival and Kaylee climbed in, it broke my heart a little bit.  When we brought her home from the hospital, you could barely see her drowning in her car seat.  
And now look how big she is!  
 I can't even imagine how big she will look next to her tiny little sister (who will hopefully be arriving any day now...).  Each new stage is more fun than the last but sometimes I just wish she could stay tiny and cuddly forever!!


Harris Family said...

Any day now?!?! Seriously? Wow! Good luck and congratulations!! :)

Holly said...

I wonder if the new little one will be just as tiny... Can't wait!!

Mary said...

That is amazing!! She look huge in that car seat now and it hasn't been that long since she was in it:)!! I sure love her darling little boots too.