Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nerd Alert

Ok before everyone I know who wears glasses gets offended- let me clarify something.  I don't think that everyone who wears glasses is a nerd.  Glasses can look very smart and dignified and even cool on some people.  I just don't think I am one of those people.  Maybe it's because I was teased about my glasses so much as a kid but I just truly despise wearing glasses.  I never ever ever wear mine.  And that is why I haven't gotten new glasses since I switched to wearing contacts the summer before 8th grade.  However, after living with an eye infection for over two months, Richard decided to share a little present with me- and now I have his eye infection.  So now I am stuck wearing glasses for who knows how long.  There is no way I could function with my glasses that practically haven't seen the light of day since 1997.  So I now have these beauties to wear.  
(for the record, I felt completely ridiculous taking a picture of myself for this)

Much better than my 7th grade glasses but every time I see myself in glasses all I can think is NERD.  I guess I better get over my complex soon if I'm going to end up wearing my glasses for the next two months like Richard had to.  Or maybe I'll just lock myself in my room and not come out again until my eye infection is gone....


Julie said...

Is that seriously still hanging around? I can't believe how long that has lasted!

Jennifer said...

yay glasses! I'm totally a nerd, with or without my frames :)

BUT I also think they make me look smarter than I actually am -- win! ha

Rach said...

Lame that you got the eye infection too! But your glasses are super cute. :)