Saturday, September 17, 2011


If you were to look at our counter right now, you'd probably think we lived with a grandparent who was on their deathbed.  Welcome to our drugstore:
This isn't even all of the prescriptions we've had in the last two months- this is just the ones we are currently taking. We love living in Ohio, but apparently Ohio doesn't love us!  Since the beginning of August, we have had eight trips to some kind of doctor.  EIGHT!!  I think that is some kind of record.  Plus we have two more trips planned for next week, although those are for well check-ups and not because we're sick or have more infections (knock on wood). I always tease my germ-a-phobe sister about being sick all the time and now I guess karma has come back to bite me.  I just hope this pattern doesn't continue because I really don't know how many more trips to the doctor I can handle.  On a positive note, it's helping me get really familiar with Columbus because I now know where all the doctor's offices and pharmacies are located :)


Holly said...

Look what happens when you move away from home! Time to come back I guess :)

Holly said...

Uh . . . forgot Holly is still logged in on my computer - actually Julie speaking :)

Mary said...

I think you all must be allergic to Ohio, so we are clearing a place in our basement:)!!!

Jennifer said...

I like that they spelled Henricksen wrong on that middle one ;)

kristi said...

I need some pills. Can I come get some?