Friday, October 29, 2010

Pot Roast

Ok I know this post is a little bit ridiculous but I am proud of myself so I'm writing about it anyway!!  Since having Kaylee, I have tried really hard to make dinner every night.  Since my cooking skills were practically nonexistent, I've had to build from the ground up.  For the past month or two I have made something new almost every single night and am starting to get a little more confident in my cooking abilities.  However, one meal that I have stayed away from is pot roast.  I'm not sure why.  It's not the hardest meal I've ever attempted but it is one of my all-time favorite meals and so I think I just didn't want to mess it up!  But I got over my fears and attempted a pot roast this week and I'm happy to report success! It was delicious and I made sure to savor each bite :)  Pot roast seems like a big hurdle to me so now I'm anxious to try other things.  What should I attempt next?!


Holly said...

homemade tortillas. Yum!

this is halee *as in berry* said...

Tamales!!!!! Chicken strips! Chocolate Pie! Tamales! Curry! Mash potato mountains!!!

I'm hungry can you tell?

Greta Henricksen said...

Way to go!

Nibarger said...

I love doing homemade pizza! That's always yummy!

Julie said...

I felt so proud of myself when I conquered the roast too. Even though it is fairly easy, there is something that seems intimidating about it!