Sunday, October 17, 2010

Laughter is the Best Medicine

For some reason, Kaylee is not a big laugher.  I guess we are just not funny enough or something because we'll get a giggle out of her every now and then but she hardly ever laughs.  But this particular day I guess she was really ticklish because she was laughing like this for a while.  I love it!  I couldn't decide which video was cuter so you get to see both of them (sorry about the sideways videos.  I don't know how to change them..).  I could watch these over and over and never get sick of it.  I love that adorable little girl!!! 


Holly said...

Yay - I finally get to hear her laugh. Woo hoo! Don't worry, you guys are totally funny enough. She just doesn't get the humor yet :-)

Julie said...

So cute! Can you time it right so that she is ticklish the next time we see her?

Greta Henricksen said...

Those little cuties have no idea how much that sweetness and laughter means to us mothers. If it weren't for it, the other stuff might not be so worth it!