Sunday, January 25, 2009

Richard has a job

This is Richard (Kelli may or may not fully endorse this message). My friend Jason just finally became cool enough to have his own blog and it inspired me to blog about a few things myself (obviously I am not cool enough to have my own but even though Kelli keeps telling me that this is her blog I claim it as mine since it is titled THE HENRICKSEN'S and it contains stories about me).

What I wanted to blog about was my heroic adventure to get a job during this obvious time of economic distress. After a long treacherous battle of unemployment (a month) I am finally done spending my days searching through lists of classifieds, spending hours at the library reading and talking to crazy prophets (there are some interesting people out there), and fighting the horrible monsters of Nintendo. I now have a job! yeah!

My job is at a place called SecurityMetrics (thanks Matt for your help). I don't know all the details yet but basically I will be working in the phone room making sure that all the businesses I call will be up to standard with the credit card security policies. If not, then I will sign them up for what they lack. Since they by law have to meet these standars (or suffer huge fines) the hardest part will be getting them to sign up through us and not some other company. Propably not my dream job and may not be making a career out of this but from what I have been through and heard the last month I am lucky to have even a job. And there are worse jobs out there for sure. I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers on our behalf and especially wanted to thank my Heavenly Father for Him being mindful of me and my family.


Julie said...

Ha ha - nice cartoon Richard. Glad you got the job!

Stef said...

Congratulations Richard!

kristi said...

YEAH - congrats!! Glad things are picking up for you two... especially money wise. Now where's my present?!?!?!? :)

The Browns said...

Its a good job to have. Its Zach's Uncle's business (as I'm sure you already know) and they are not hurting for money in this economic crisis so you can still support your family. I'm glad you found it and I hope you enjoy it. Just a word of advice. If you can make it to Christmas there (I know its January but still) you definitely will NOT regret having that as your job.

Dan said...

I'll acknowledge this blog as Richard's as soon as he admits the pink heart design was his idea.

Congrats on the new job.