Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hot Chocolate

I have always loved hot chocolate but it took me a while to get into all the crazy flavors after growing up only drinking my mom's home-made kind. (Which by the way, is amazing!) Then I discovered flavors like chocolate mint and orange creme and I started loving it even more. But I didn't realize how much I had come to love it until I noticed that we have 8 cans of hot chocolate on our shelf!!! 8!! There really is nothing kind like a steaming mug of hot cocoa on a cold day, especially when you have an apartment as cold as mine, but I think we're getting a little extreme. Stephen's should personally write us a thank you card for helping keep them in business!!! If any would like a nice cup of hot cocoa on any given day, now you know where to come :)


kristi said...

The good news is those cans last for a year or two - so you can just say you are building up your food storage! :) I've never tried the orange one. but the mint is FANTASTIC!!

this is halee *as in berry* said...

One word...Hazelnut. That's all you'll ever need. :)

Jeni said...

I didn't even know you could make it home-made. What's the recipe. And, if you think you have a lot of cocoa now, just wait until you have kids that need a cup every time it snows...we should compare can counts :-) (I love it too, by the way!!)