Monday, June 16, 2008

Dizzy Spell

A long time ago, I remember my sister telling me that she fainted one time when she went to do sealings at the temple. I remember feeling bad for her but also thinking, "wow that would be embarrassing!" I didn't quite get to the point of fainting, but I was close enough that I can now sympathize with her perfectly! I went to do sealings for the first time on Saturday night with Richard. We thought it would be a fun way to celebrate our one month anniversary that had happened earlier in the week. And it was fun... for the first half!! Then, half of our group was excuse for one reason or another and we started to participate in more and more sealings since there weren't as many people in the room. The room was SO hot and I felt myself getting more and more lightheaded. It probably didn't help that I hadn't eaten for a while either. Finally, our sealer said there were only four more sealings to do and he was going to try to do all four of them with Richard and I. The first one I started to get so hot and lightheaded that I wasn't sure I was going to make it through. The second one, Richard said he watched all the color drain from my face and he knew he was losing me. He gripped my hand extra tight and stared at me, willing me to not pass out. I tried to look up to catch his eye and couldn't see anything because my eyes had started to black out. Even before the sealer finished saying Amen, I jumped up on my feet, startling everyone else around me. My breathing was very quick and short and I was sure I was going to pass out. Richard ran to grab me and took me over to one of the chairs to sit down and rest. To my embarrassment, the sealer decided that was enough for the night and excused everyone else. He brought me a cold glass of water and some orange juice and allowed me to sit there for about 20 minutes until I felt better. I didn't completely faint, but that episode left me feeling pretty weak for the rest of the day!!!


Holly said...

Oh man, that stinks! I wonder why kneeling does that to a person? I think Julie said she was prego at the time and she knew why they didn't let prego people do sealings!

Why are you never eating? You always say you haven't eaten in a while...

Kelli said...

Trust me, all I ever do is eat!!! We just went right at dinnertime, which we will never do again!

Julie said...

Ha ha - nice to know a fellow fainter. I was actually pregnant when I first discovered that those nice cabinets in the hallway have crackers and juice, but I get dizzy almost everytime I go. At my own wedding I was getting light-headed! Of course, I even get dizzy when I am kneeling for long prayers :)

Mary said...

Kelli, I guess you and Julie will never be able to have an Enos experience since you can't kneel that long at a time. I am sure sorry, but I am very glad that you didn't faint. Way to be alert, Richard and protect your wife. Thanks!!

kristi said...

Weird, weird and more weird. Sorry about that. Maybe you have some funky leg issue. Better get that checked out... and you NEVER eat. Don't lie!

Stef said...

Sorry! I almost passed out at my friends wedding because there weren't enough chairs and I had to stand forever. And, I hate to admit it, but I almsot threw up at your sealing, I was so worried I would have to run out of the room in the middle of the ceremony! Luckily I held it in until I was driving home!

Kelli said...

Does that mean you threw up in the car on the way home!?! Sad! Sorry Stef, thanks for coming to the sealing anyway!