Sunday, March 10, 2019

November 2018

We had a freezing cold November which was so hard to have winter seem to start so early.  We had one nice day and spent all evening outside raking the leaves and enjoying the one day of good weather.  
Brooklyn has always been a daddy's girl and her and Richard seem to have a special connection.  If he his home, she is usually glued to his side.  I thought this moment of them dancing together was so sweet and the look on both of their faces were just pure joy. 
Brooklyn was on the ipad one day and got up to run over to me and ask for help.  As she was running, the ipad slipped and fell onto the kitchen floor (which is marble) and completely shattered. I didn't realize how dependent on that ipad we had become until it was beyond repair!  My mom had given us her old one and it was definitely well loved in the time we had it. 
Even as it got colder, we still tried to go on walks with the Solanos most Sundays. When Danny's mom was is town, we went with them to go on a walk in Dublin along a trail to a waterfall. The girls really seem to come alive in the woods and had a lot of fun exploring. 
McKenna usually is not my crazy sleeper. I have lots of pictures of Kaylee and Brooklyn in weird positions, but McKenna is almost always in the same position. I was surprised when I walked in one night and saw her awkwardly sleeping sitting up.  How do people sleep like that??
I was worried about McKenna's birthday because she always has such high expectations and then seems disappointed when the day isn't a magical, perfect day like she wants it to be (I wonder where she gets that from?....)  She had already spent a lot of her birthday money on a build-a-bear and had gone shopping with my mom when she was in town so she didn't have a ton of gifts to open on her day and it was in the middle of the week, on a day when Richard didn't get home until almost bedtime, and so we couldn't do much. And the saddest part was we had two "false alarms" where we had people ring our doorbell to deliver something to our family (which never happens!) and she got her hopes up so high every time, running to the door and screaming, "I think someone is here for me!". I think she was a little disappointed, especially because she didn't get any cards or anything when she had been checking the mail religiously every day, but I think she still had a good day. 
I also had told her we weren't going to do a birthday party this year since we had just moved again and she hadn't seemed to make very close friends yet but I felt so bad for her, we decided to do a last minute unicorn party and she had friends from all three of our wards here.  They had so much fun we didn't even do some of the games we had planned. We had pizza, designed our own unicorns, played the candy tape ball game, tried to fit as many marshmallows in our mouth as we could while still saying unicorn, and had unicorn horn ice cream cones with rainbow ice cream. 

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