Sunday, March 24, 2019

Jan 2019

After our fun minute to win it games on New Years Eve, the girls had a lot of fun practicing on the cup towers.  They got pretty creative! 
Winter seemed to start earlier this year and was super cold but then the end of Dec and the beginning of January was all of the sudden so nice!  We even went to a library during winter break and it was so warm we decided to stay and play at the park.  The girls all got on this swing and I probably pushed them for almost 30 mins! It felt wonderful to be out in the sunshine.  And it's good that we took advantage of it when we did because a few weeks later we had another terrible polar vortex that was FREEZING!
The girls all got earmuffs for Kings Day and I could not get over how adorable Brooklyn looked in her chubby penguin earmuffs with braided pigtails!
Usually when we get enough snow to play in, it's way too cold to stay out and enjoy it.  But this year we actually had a decent temperature after a snowstorm and so we took the girls sledding.  It was a blast!  We had the Solano's join us for a little bit but they didn't last long.  Sledding is one of the few activities that make winter worth it because it's so fun!
Richard's coworker had some extra tote bags and fabric markers and asked Richard if we would want them.  We had a fun day decorating them and now they all have their own personalized tote bags.  
Brooklyn discovered Cosmic Yoga on YouTube and we have been having a lot of fun with it.  She always starts the yoga sessions the same way- by having the kids sit with their legs crossed, putting their hands at their heart, and then bowing while saying Namaste.  Brooklyn has been doing that constantly and it is so adorable!
The polar vortex brought lots of ice and freezing rain (and even canceled school).  The Columbus streets never get plowed like Hilliard does and I was driving the girls to their piano lessons in a neighborhood that was literally just a solid sheet of ice.  I slid on the ice and crashed into a street sign pole. We had lots of people that came and helped us get our van off the pole and we were very lucky that I was going so slow that we didn't get hurt.  We thought we had gotten lucky and only damaged some of the bumper and headlight and it wouldn't be too big of a fix.  However, apparently I hit in a bad spot that had shoved a bunch of things loose in the engine and had cracked the fuse box which couldn't be fixed without replacing a bunch of other parts as well.  So our insurance officially declared it totaled, which was mind blowing!, and we had to start searching for another van.  Definitely not what we were hoping for right now!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I am still so bitter about your van. Now we can't be twinners anymore. :-(