Sunday, August 5, 2018

May 2017

I finally gave in and decided my eyes weren't getting less dry anytime soon so I purchased a good pair of glasses to replace the other ones I had been wearing just to get by. As much as I hate wearing glasses, it has been much easier on my eyes! 
I turned 30 this year and for some reason felt REALLY old.  I'm sure it's because we are surrounded by students who are in their early 20s and just getting married and it feels like we are just in a whole different phase of life now.  But even though I had apprehension, it was a great birthday.  Emery was getting baptized the day after my birthday so we drove out to spend the weekend with them. I got to choose the restaurant and Holly had decorated her guest room for us and gotten me presents.  It was really sweet. And so great to spend my bday with family which I haven't done for years!
It was also special to be there for Emery's baptism. People had come from so far to support him and we felt very lucky we could be there. Holly had an elaborate lunch planned for everyone traveling from far away plus a few of her nonmember neighbors. Then she had a spread of desserts afterwards! It was extremely hard driving away this time knowing that we wouldn't see them again before they moved and that we might never live by them again. We were so lucky to have those 5 years together!  
I don't know how we got so lucky with our girls and throw up, but I think McKenna might set the record for longest streak.  She made it to 5 1/2 before throwing up the first time and even then she seemed to get over it pretty quick.  She has a steel stomach!  I don't think she minded at all though since it meant she got to watch on the ipad all day ;)
McKenna's preschool class had a little graduation ceremony where they sang songs and all got to walk up and get their diploma. This class was really good for Kenna and we have really loved BEARS Preschool. How is she already ready for elementary??
Kaylee had a tough teacher this year who was incredibly strict.  Each teacher sets a goal for their class every year and whoever reaches the goal gets a trophy at an assembly at the end of the year.  Most classes had anywhere between 7-12 kids who achieved it but Kaylee was the only kid in her entire class to reach her teacher's impossible expectations. I was so proud of her!  Even though I hated her teacher, she never complained and always was such a good student and example.  At the end of the year her teacher had a drawing to see who would win the stuffed monkey she kept in the class all year and Kaylee won!  (I still think it was rigged because her teacher loved her so much but she was super excited to get it). 
Brooklyn thinks she is too big for naps but most of the time she can't quite make it through the day without one so she has started falling asleep anytime we are in the car or in super random places.  I needed to go grocery shopping but she fell asleep right as we got there and I wanted her to get some rest so I balanced her on one arm and did all the shopping with the other.  It's amazing what you can do with one hand when you have to!  I felt like freaking Superwoman!!!

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