Sunday, August 5, 2018

April 2017

Kaylee learned about four leaf clovers on St Patricks Day and had been looking for one ever since.  She was so thrilled to find one on the way to the bus one morning and made Richard take a picture to send to me for good luck!
Holly and Chase wanted to go look at houses in Arizona since they knew they would be moving there in the summer so they asked if we would watch Emery and Madeline.  I agreed but then right before they came, Richard got another campus interview in NY and drove up there for two of the three days that I was going to have the kids.  I was so incredibly nervous about having all 5 kids by myself but it was better than I had ever dreamed.  The last day started to get a little crazy but the rest of the time they kids were angels. Emery surprisingly got along really well with Brooklyn and it was really sweet to watch.  I was glad I had this extra time with them before they move. 
It was also perfect timing because Julie and her family wanted to do a church history site trip and wanted to stop by and see us on the way home.  Holly and Chase planned their trip to AZ right before this, so they could overlap and see Julie too. It was so incredibly amazing to have the Awerkamps here and we were so sad that it was a very short visit. We let the kids stay up extra late the night they got here since we knew we would only have the next day to be with them.  Unfortunately, Brooklyn got really sick and was so grumpy and wouldn't talk or play with anyone.  They definitely didn't get to know her usual, happy, easy going personality but that was the only downside.  We packed as much in the next day as we could.  We went to a park with a military obstacle course in the morning and raced each other on that and then climbed the lookout tower and played on the playground for a bit.  Emery brought his new hoverboard and it was super fun for all of us to try it out, although I was sure I would fall on my face.  But it was actually really fun!  We then spent the afternoon at the conservatory and exploring German Village.  Holly and Chase headed back home and we took the Awerkamps out to eat at our favorite unique Ohio restaurant, Piada.  Brooklyn was way past done at that point so I brought her home to bed and Kaylee and McKenna went with the Awerkamps to show them the pet store that lets you hold all the animals. They were completely exhausted but it was worth every minute!  It was incredibly hard to say goodbye. 
Holly had brought us scorpion suckers and I had to eat the whole thing, just to prove I could.  And then I was a horrible influence and told all my nieces and nephews that I would pay them $5 if they also ate one.  Nathanael ate a whole one and Madeline ate a piece with a huge scorpion part stuck in it so I was true to my word and paid up! 
Someone at Kenna's preschool told us about an Easter celebration that a church was putting on so we decided to check it out this year.  It was a blast! They had games and crafts and free food and face painting; all kinds of stuff!  And then we got to go out onto the football field of a high school and make a big circle around the field.  A helicopter flew over and dropped thousands of eggs onto the field.  It was actually really cool to watch.  Then they let the kids each fill up a carton of empty eggs (they didn't want the candy spilling out when they dropped) and they could turn in their full carton for a bag of candy.  It was all really organized and well done and tons of fun.  I hope they do it again next year!
My FAVORITE hair style on little girls in tiny little pigtails.  I was thrilled when Brooklyn's hair finally got long enough to put it into these adorable piggies. I had to document the first time but she either wouldn't turn towards the camera or wouldn't smile.  Oh well, I still have the memory anyway!  

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