Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wall Art

When Kaylee was born, I was pretty anti-pink and I decorated her nursery with blue and brown. But since then she has converted me and now just about everything she owns is pink.  (Not that I have much of a choice in the girl's department). So I have been looking for ways to incorporate a little more pink into her room with my limited budget. I got this idea from my super crafty neighbor and immediately wanted to make  my own because I loved them so much. With just a little scrapbook paper, tissue paper, and a lot of glue, here is my finished project!  
I am in love with them and they are probably one of the cutest things I have ever made. However, I should learn to stop making things (or stop being so hard on myself) because even though I like them, every time I look at something I've made I just see things that I could have done differently to make it better. But they were a lot of fun to make and I would definitely do it all over again. Thanks again Amber for letting me steal your idea!


Amber said...

No problem. It wasn't my idea to begin with. They look adorable. I love the color combination. I will have to come see them in person some time!

Mary said...

They look great, Kelli!! I love how many fun things you have learned to make recently. Now we just need to get the same letters you made Kaylee's name out of so you can put Kenna's name up before she starts to feel deprived:)!!

kristi said...

SUPER CUTE ROOM REEPY!! Love how crafty you are! Just wish you were here to do it with me!!

Cheri said...

I might end up stealing that idea also. Way cute and looks like fun to make.