Monday, June 27, 2011

Bragging Rights

I'm pretty sure parents are the only people in the world who can brag endlessly without seeming too full of themselves.  At least that's what I tell myself when I can't stop bragging about Kaylee :)  Today's Dr appointment made me feel pretty good about myself and gave me more fuel to brag about.  Every time the doctor asked me a question, she was shocked by the answer.  When I told her how many words Kaylee can say, how many more signs she can do, that she can do some animals noises and can point to all of her different body parts, etc., the doctor was in shock.  She kept saying things like, "I was going to be impressed if you told me she could only do half that!"  Or, "wow she is so far advanced, you should be really proud of yourself".  It was definitely good to hear that from my doctor because I've been stressing like crazy lately over her (for a lot of reasons I won't go into).  The only thing that made me feel guilty was that we found out she has a REALLY bad ear infection and I had no idea because she was still sleeping great.  Sorry Kaylee!  But at least now I know that if I ever need a self-esteem boost as a mother, I can just go visit my pediatrician!


Holly said...
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Mary said...

. . . or you can just come to your mother who is always willing to tell you what a great mother you are:)!!

Julie said...

She's brilliant!

Cheri said...

Love the picture. Footie pj's with her silver sandals. Classic.