Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sleepless Beauty

Last night I was thinking about (and being incredibly jealous of) Sleeping Beauty. I can't think of anything I would rather have right now than 100 years of sleep! The sad thing is I can't even blame my tiredness on Kaylee. Yes, she does get up multiple times during the night but it wouldn't be so bad if I could go back to sleep when she does. I don't know what my problem is but lately I am SO tired when I'm feeding her and have a hard time keeping my eyes open. However, as soon as I lay back down, it's like a switch goes off in my brain that tells my body it's time to wake up and I start thinking about a million different things! Richard says it's because I'm a worrisome mother and I'm thinking too much about Kaylee. If that's the case, I'm in big trouble because I'm pretty sure there is no cure for that. In the meantime, if you see Sleeping Beauty anytime soon can you please ask her if she would be willing to switch places with me for a few weeks? Thanks.


Greta Henricksen said...

Wow, that is weird. I have never had trouble falling asleep when my babies are small. I do hope you can figure out how to go back to sleep. You sure need it! :)

Julie said...

I don't have that problem either. My bigger problem is keeping myself from dropping or suffocating my baby because I can't even stay awake while I'm feeding them! :)

kristi said...

You've always been a crappy sleeper - no offense! :) two words for you... sleeping pill!! ha ha

Cheri said...

I do have that same problem but I don't even have a baby to blame my sleeplessness on. My mind just will not shut off to let me go to sleep. When I do finally drift off it seems like I am still awake thinking about all the things I need to do the next day.