Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Babies on the Brain

I've always hated those kind of people who get married or are pregnant and suddenly that is ALL they can talk about. I swear they find a way to bring it up in any kind of conversation. So I've tried really hard to not be that kind of person. But today I was thinking about it and realized that maybe I haven't talked about my pregnancy ENOUGH because I've tried to be so anti. And whether you want to hear my thoughts now or not, here are some things I've learned about being pregnant:

-People suddenly think they have something to talk to you about, whether they know you or not. The other day I was going into the bathroom stall and was actually in the process of shutting the door when someone asked me when I was due. So I had to open the door and awkwardly stand half in and out of the stall while we talked about my baby. Weird.

-On the up side, people are a lot more considerate when you look hugely pregnant. People have opened doors for me and given up their seat and gone out of their way to make sure I would be more comfortable. I told Richard the next time I'm in a long line I'm going to start hinting that my back hurts or that I've been on my feet for too long and see how long it takes me to get moved up to the front of the line :)

-A lot of people seem to think that the second I get pregnant I should spend the next 9 mos laying on the couch being pampered while stuffing my face full of cookies. Maybe some girls actually do that, but Richard usually has to talk me into NOT doing things because I can't just sit around all the time doing nothing!

-Comments about your weight are all of the sudden not taboo anymore. People tell me how small I am, how big I am, how cute I am with a big belly, etc. That is probably what I am the most sick of. It's not as if I can't tell all by myself that I have a big belly or that my ankles are swollen or that I'm starting to walk funny. This is when I wish people would just keep their mouth shut....

-Along those same lines, I think I get stared at a lot more as well. Not a good stare, but the kind of stare that makes me wonder if I spilled something on my shirt or have food on my face. It makes me feel like I have a huge neon sign pointing at me saying "Look at me! I'm pregnant!!" Not my favorite feeling in the world.

-There are more myths about pregnancy than everything else combined, I'm pretty sure. I think I've about heard it all from how to cure morning sickness, what to eat and not eat, and how to have the easiest labor. The funny thing is that most of this "advice" is from people who haven't even had kids yet. I've definitely learned that some people have the weirdest thoughts about pregnancy

And as far as MY pregnancy has gone- I've been super lucky and it's been a fairly smooth ride. Yes, my back aches and I get tired easily and my stomach muscles tear in very uncomfortable ways... but when you think about how many things can go wrong in a pregnancy, I've had it SO easy. I'm starting to get to the point where bending over is basically impossible and I'm ready to fit into my old clothes again but all in all I've been very blessed and I'm trying to see the positive side of things. And the best part is that I have less than a month to go and then will be onto a whole new adventure!


Mary said...

Kelli this is a classic. You hit the nail on the head how all of us felt during that wonderful time of life. I wonder why people feel more entitled to gawk, make personal comments, touch and give unsolicited advice when they would never do that to a non-pregnant person. Thanks for making me laugh!!

Jennifer said...

You just listed many more reasons for me to not have kids ;)

You're far nicer than I am too. I'm afraid of the things I would say lol

kristi said...

So Kel - let me tell you how to take care of morning sickness....

And let me tell you how you look lately....

And let me stop you as you're going to the bathroom to talk about when you're due....

And let me continue to annoy you with annoying questions...

And sit down and eat cookies all day long...

And last but not least.... CALM DOWN!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha

Jana and Mario said...

I definately second the keeping their mouth shut about how they think you look, we have a mirror! I also hate how it feels like people stare at you all the time, no matter where you go. You have done a great job and we are almost done (I think its cool we are due the same day). Has your doctor talked about being induced? I am being induced the 2nd of April if he doesn't decide to come on his own.

Greta Henricksen said...

I guess I am really weird. I don't actually appreciate pregnancy, except for all the attention I get. I love people, I love talking and I love having everyone be interested in me. So if I could have all of that without the pregnancy, I think that would be the perfect situation! :)