Sunday, February 5, 2017

September 2016

McKenna really wanted to try dance this year but I couldn't believe how much ballet was for a four year old, and you have to sign up for the entire year.  I was NOT going to spend that much before I even knew if she would like it!  So we signed her up for a class at the rec center.  I'm not sure how much actual dancing she did but she still loved it.  She was the oldest in her class so she was by far the best listener and dancer and she loved telling everyone she was learning tap and ballet.  I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being our dancer, she is very graceful.  
The girls wanted to decorate for Richard's birthday so they did a TON of different drawings of Richard and put them all over the house.  I thought it was really sweet!  Their drawings were cracking me up.
McKenna started at BEARS preschool, going five days a week!  I was nervous that it was going to be too many days but she is loving every second of it and made friends so fast!  She is a shy girl at times and then at other times I am shocked by her being so bold so I wasn't sure which side would come out when she walked into the room not knowing anyone.  She did so much better than I was expecting and I'm glad she loves school so much, just like Kaylee does. 
I was also worried that with Kaylee gone so much that McKenna would be lonely, since they were besties all summer.  She has been obsessed with puzzles and I found a cute 1,000 piece puzzle for her and I to work on together while Brooklyn slept every day.  I thought it would be a good activity that was special for just me and her and would take us a couple weeks if I let her do most of it.  She showed me! We were done in three days and honestly, she did most of the puzzle herself! She is definitely my daughter.
Brooklyn has loved accessories lately, especially a necklace my mom brought her from Columbia and sunglasses.  One day, I could not get her to take these sunglasses off.  She wore them for at least 3 hours, and not even the bathtub could deter her.
I have been having so many health issues this year and nobody can figure out why.  It's so frustrating to not have my body work the way I want it too and then it's even worse when the doctors can't find anything wrong with me.  I was tired all the time, my muscles were always on fire, even doing mundane things, I was crazy thirsty all the time, I couldn't exercise so I was gaining weight, I had a headache every day and migraines frequently, dry skin, and dry eyes that got so bad I couldn't even wear my contacts. Towards the end of the month, I was going to make Brooklyn lunch and got a pain in my chest so sharp that I doubled over in pain and couldn't breathe. I tried to get up and it happened again. Because I'm so stubborn, I stayed down for a few mins until it went away and then tried to get up and make her lunch again. This time, the pain was so sharp I dropped the food and it felt like it was shooting down my arm. I was positive that I was having a heart attack. I ran to my neighbor's house sobbing and she found someone to take my kids and then rushed me to the ER.  Once again, the doctor's couldn't find anything wrong with me and sent me home with no answers. I was very discouraged and it's hard not to think you're crazy when you feel so sick but nobody can find anything wrong with you.  Hopefully my body can figure this out on it's own soon!

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