Saturday, November 3, 2012

Child Labor

This is what life looks like at our house- my two year old is doing the dishes while I am reading a book on the couch.  That's how we roll.  Also, we don't allow her to wear clothes.  

(Ok before you judge me too harshly, here's what really happened: I was doing the dishes and Kaylee came up and moved me out the way saying "I'll do the dishes Mommy, you go play".  I kept trying to help but she said "I'm going to do the dishes BY MYSELF.  You go play".  Who am I to argue?  And while she has more clothes than she knows what to do with, lately she refuses to wear any inside the house.  It's enough of a fight to get her to wear clothes in public, I'm not going to fight that battle in our house too! But seriously, don't I have the best naked toddler in the whole world??)


Holly said...

Hilarious. She and Ems will be running around naked together when we come visit. So sweet of her to work so you could relax.

Mary said...

Wow, I wish I would have known your parenting trick so I could have just played while you kids did all of the work!! She and Emery are definitely out of the same mold. He strips off his pants and shoes the second he walks in the house too.

Unknown said...


Rach said...

So cute!

Greta Henricksen said...

That is really funny. I love how stubborn kids can be. It is good that she wants to be independant.