Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nursing Woes

As much as I truly despise nursing, I try not to complain about it because I realize that I am very lucky to be able to do it.  I know a LOT of women who can't for some reason or another and I know I should be grateful I am able to nurse.  But sometimes I just don't know what I'm supposed to eat while I'm nursing.  This is what I have discovered with McKenna so far:
Too many vegetables or too much dairy makes her gassy
Too many fruits give her diaper rash
Spices, particularly garlic and cinnamon, make her spit up A LOT
And spicy food makes her scream bloody murder for hours.
So that leaves me with bread and...candy?  Oh and unseasoned meat.  If I weigh 300 lbs by the time I'm done nursing, you'll know why...


Mary said...

Wow, I was never able to make that distinct of connection to what I ate and the reaction my babies had. That is amazing that you could pinpoint it that well. I know it doesn't make it any easier, but that is truly amazing. I wish it was a little easier for you, but what better excuse do you have to eat candy for every meal than while you are nursing:)!!

Cheri said...

One of the great benefits of nursing is that it does burn up a lot of calories and so with your already super speedy metabolism and extra calories your burning nursing you will be skinnier than when you got married.