Friday, July 16, 2010


Besides swimming parties and barbecued hamburgers, one of my favorite things about summer is FIREWORKS! And this year we definitely got our fill (and there is more to come- hooray!). For us, it started with Taylorsville Dayzz. We always try to get back to my good ol' hometown for this day because they seriously have the best fireworks of any city. My mom was good enough to keep Kaylee at her house so the noise wouldn't scare her and we met up with Scott, Jen, Jen's bro, and my adorable little nieces- Abby and Rachel. I had a perfect moment during the fireworks when both Abby and Rachel decided they wanted to sit on my lap and, for once, weren't squirming and wiggling and getting up and down, but just sat and watched the fireworks for a few minutes. Richard started rubbing my back at that moment and I decided that the only thing that would've made that moment better was if Kaylee could've been with us. I guess Kaylee really wanted to be with us too because she apparently screamed for like 40 mins while we were gone- sorry Mom!

Our next firework adventure was on the 2nd. S. Salt Lake does their fireworks a day before everyone else for some unknown reason but we love it because that means an extra day of fireworks for us! We had a mini family reunion with my cousins and it was fun catching up with them. The kids were SO wired by the time we got around to fireworks and it was pretty funny to watch all of them on such a sugar high!

The next fireworks we saw were the BEST because they were combined with good food, music, and company. Richard's dad got us free tickets to Stadium of Fire through his work (hence the reason all of us are wearing this ugly green T-shirt:) ) and I got to bring Kristi along. We LOVE Carrie Underwood and were so excited to see her. I don't know if Carrie or the fireworks were the best part. We also got to go up to the President's Loge (I'm not kidding, that is what it's called) and have a catered dinner before the show started. We felt very important being up in the box where the VIPs always go to watch football. I only wish we could've stayed there for the show too! Being with Kristi definitely made it more fun, she always makes me laugh and be crazy with her. The only way it would've been better was if the night would've lasted a little longer!I love fireworks so much and I can't wait for the ones we'll see at the Bees game on the 24th!


Greta Henricksen said...

It sounds like your July has had lots of sparks! :) I wish ours had been as fun. We hope to make it up on the 24th.

Jennifer said...

Well, seeing those lime greens shirts has convinced me (once again) that we made the correct decision in staying home.

I'm glad you got to have fun though :)

Holly said...

Still so jealous you got to see Carrie!

Cheri said...

That was amazing how you were able to get that shot of Carrie with how far away we were. Good job.