Friday, September 5, 2008

School is now in session

I can't believe I am starting the last semester of my life! It will be a crazy semester with 18 credits total plus work every day, but somehow I hope to make it through. So far I'm predicting that I will like most of my classes but I am going to be BUSY. Here are the classes I am taking this semester:

Spanish 101/102= This will definitely be the most demanding class. I have it every day (which means homework every day) and since it is the accelerated version of every class we go VERY quickly and have to learn most of it on our own. Good thing I have an amazing tutor at home!

Family Recreation= This is going to be a very fun class. Every Friday is "play day" where we take turns bringing in ideas (and then actually doing them) of activities we can do with our families in the future

Missionary Prep= While my class is packed full of freshman boys, I think this class will be interesting and I will learn a lot. I wasn't planning on taking it but it was one of the only classes that would fit in my schedule.

LDS History from 1901- present= A lot of this class will be a repeat of the things I heard from my prophets class but I am excited for it anyway. We also get to read Pres Hinckley's biography which I wanted to do sometime anyway

And finally Residential Landscape Design= I know nothing about landscaping, but I like critiquing the way people set up their yards and I will learn a lot of useful things to use on my own house someday.

Anyway, that's the plan for this semester. If you don't see me around a lot- now you know why!!! But it will be worth it to graduate in December!


Holly said...

I'm excited about your residential landscape class. That means you can help me when I get a new house :-)

Stef said...

You are going to be busy! When Terry and I were first married and going to school, we NEVER saw each other. I remember crying to my mom about it!

kristi said...

WOW!! I'm glad you posted this since I was thinking about that recently... what you're taking. Glad to see you have some fun (and weird sounding) :) classes. Good luck this semester. It will be hard but keep focusing on the light at the end!!