Sunday, May 3, 2020

February 2020

Brooklyn got to be a robber in a little play they did at preschool. Every other week they have Chapel time where they learn stories from the Bible. Her teacher had them reenact the Good Samaritan and it was fun to see all the kids play their parts.  
We haven't had really any snow this winter so when we got a light dusting, the kids begged us to go sledding. It really wasn't enough snow to sled in but we knew this might be our only chance.  Richard and I couldn't sled much because we weighed it down too much where it was basically scraping on dirt trying to go down but the girls managed to sled quite a few times. They could sled down in one spot and it would take all the snow off so we would have to move down and sled in a different spot.  We all found other things to do in the snow that were just as fun though!  So we were still glad we went.  McKenna didn't' feel like she had enough snow time so when we got home so went out back to build a snowman and ended up building a whole snowman family and then used boxes to build them a home. 
Brooklyn and I got the worst sickness that I have had in years.  I'm pretty sure we had the flu. It had me down for a full week and even after that it took me a while to get back to normal.  Brooklyn had a fever every day for a week and even after she started to feel better, she would be fine during the day but then her fever would come back in the evening.  Luckily nobody else really got it but it took Brooklyn and I out of commission for a long time!
Holly was so sweet and wanted to make sure we got our heart shaped food for Valentine's Day.  She sent us a Papa John's gift card and a code to get a heart pizza, breadsticks and brownies.  It was so nice of her to take care of us from afar and since I still wasn't feeling 100% it was great to not have to cook again. 
We go to the river frequently when we feel cooped up or when we need somewhere to be where the kids won't fight. We usually go to the same spot and haven't explored too much up and down the river.  On Sunday I was still feeling sick but Brooklyn and I had been cooped up for so long and it was a bright sunny day so I really wanted to get out. We decided to go a different way down the river and found this fun castle amphitheater!  It was exactly what we needed and the kids had so much fun acting out plays and exploring the castle while Brooklyn and I mostly just sat and soaked up the sun. We also went a little further and saw the dam that we have never seen before either. McKenna wasn't a fan and we could barely get her to go anywhere near it but the rest of us enjoyed it. It was exactly what we needed after a very long week of being sick. 
McKenna usually uses her big dog pillow to guard her at night when she got scared but one night I went in and she had built a whole stuffed animal wall to protect her.  I thought it was so cute and was very impressed that she actually got it to stay like that!
We still had a ton of balloons in the house that were driving me crazy and we had one Sunday that we were really bored and the kids were fighting. So we decided to do a challenge where we had to see how many different games we could come up with to do with the balloons.  It ended up being a very very fun night and we came up with some crazy games!  One we did was similar to Mario Kart battle where we each had two balloons hooked on our pants and we had to see if we could knock off other's balloons while keeping ours as long as possible.  

After doing plays at the amphitheater, the kids wanted to keep putting on plays so they wrote some scripts and had fun acting them out. They put together costumes, scenery, and even had some clips from a movie that played on the tv at the appropriate times.  It was amazing to see what they could come up with in a short amount of time with whatever we had in the house. 

Our basement is nice in that there is a big empty circle down there that the kids can roller blade or scooter around.  Brooklyn really wanted to rollerblade with her sisters but didn't have her own skates.  Kaylee offered to let her use one of hers and they both zoomed around with one rollerblade.  I was shocked at how fast Brooklyn picked it up and was going just as fast as her sisters!

There was supposed to be a big storm and they decided to cancel school and have a snow day.  However, we ended up only getting another light dusting of snow!  So it seemed silly to stay home, even though it was really cold.  The kids spent plenty of time playing out in the snow and used a bucket to create a snow fort to play in. I'm not sure it was worth cancelling school but the kids had plenty of fun to make up for it.
We watched a video on the new youth program where families were talking about things they had tried and what worked well. One family made vision boards for their kids to help their goals stay visible and fresh on their minds.  I thought that was a great idea so we created goal boards for the kids.  They can write or draw their goals on a 3x5 card and pin them up whenever they want to start a new goal.  Hopefully it helps the kids see their goals often and remember what they want to be doing. We'll see if it works!

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