Sunday, August 24, 2014

Chop Chop!

Well I finally did it!  I have been debating whether or not I should chop my hair for months and I finally got up the courage to do it.  They were only supposed to cut 10 inches off but I think by the end of it, it was closer to 13.... which I was not happy about!  It has been a HUGE adjustment trying to get used to this short hair.  I wish I could say I am loving it but unfortunately I still regret it every day. Luckily my hair grows pretty fast so hopefully it will grow to a length I love soon!  And if nothing else at least I was brave and got a big change :)


Julie said...

Luckily you are cute no matter what length your hair is . . . I really like it though.

Cheri said...

I think you pull off the short hair so well. I always thought short hair would be easier to maintain but for me that was not the case. Looks great on you.