Thursday, June 7, 2012


My superman may not fly around the world or get into fist fights with bad guys, but he is definitely my hero.  Other men might also go to school full-time while teaching, working a second job, fulfilling a church calling and taking care of his wife and two kids but not every man would drop everything, running out of a meeting and pushing back an important paper he was supposed to write, to run home and play nurse to his hurt wife.  My superman simultaneously writes papers, gets lunch for the kids, grades his student's exams, fills up bags of ice to put on my back, keeps my water bottle filled and my stack of books nearby, and helps me hobble to the bathroom whenever I call on him. My superman can give the kids a bath and put them to bed all by himself before coming in to make sure I have a movie to watch and munchies to snack on and then heading off to another grueling session of writing that will keep him up late at night.  My superman gets up at night with the kids and then gets up early to take them to a doctor's appointment before lugging the kids around campus with him to take care of a few end-of-the-term errands. My superman may not be the normal kind of superhero, but I could not make it through the day without him. Be jealous, ladies.  I have myself a good one :)


Cheri said...

What did you do to hurt your back? I am so sorry to hear that you are hurt. I am sure glad you have Richard to be there for you to help you.

Mary said...

Thanks for being there for Kelli, Richard. You don't know how much that means to us since we can't be. I am sure that you are being "helped" with your paper for your great sacrifice for your family.

Greta Henricksen said...

Way to be super Rich! I am sorry you hurt your foot Kelli.

Julie said...

Way to go Richard! I hope you are up and running by the end of the weekend Kel!

kristi said...

I was thinking about 100 things I could write back to this post about Richard, etc. etc... but then I read the last line and for some reason all I can picture now is you saying "make it a big one." :) ha ha ha - sorry!