Monday, May 30, 2011


Confession:  I have a slight obsession with my heating pad.  You know, the kind that you heat up in the microwave and it's full of good smelling herbs and it helps you relax and the heat just feels SOOOO good?  Ok, maybe more than a slight obsession.  I think I am addicted.  I cannot go to sleep without having it on my back for at least a few minutes.  I'm pretty sure it's just in my head and that I could fall to sleep without it....but why would I want to?  I think I might have to go buy 12 more of them because if this one ever stops working, I'm just not sure what I will do.  Hopefully my baby doesn't have an aversion to heat because he's going to be getting a lot of it over the next 6 months :)


kristi said...

That's crazy weird and I had no idea about this secret obsession (addiction.) I'm sure there's a HPA (heating pad anonymous) for you to join....

Mary said...

Hey you called the baby a "he". Do you know something we don't:)!!! I can see how the heat would be comforting during this horrible cold spring we have had, but I can't imagine you using it when it is 90 degrees!! Maybe that will take care of your obsession.