Monday, October 5, 2020

August 2020

Once the libraries opened up again, nobody was actually allowed inside and you had to request books online and then call in once they were ready and the librarians would bring the books out to you.  My friend decided to leave messages written in chalk on the sidewalk to try to cheer up the librarians in her city and I wanted to do the same. We headed over on Sunday night and filled up the whole area in front of the library with happy messages.  I was crushed when we woke up the next morning and realized a random light sprinkle of rain had washed 90% of our messages away! We only had a few that survived right in front of the door so I hope they at least knew we were thinking about them! And it was a fun project for us even if it didn't do what the goal was. 

Brooklyn and Tess have a lot in common and love a lot of the same things. So they asked if they could do a FaceTime playdate but I wasn't sure how long it would last.  I couldn't believe how long they played! They ended up being on together for about 4 hours and played Barbies, hid in the closet and told secrets, played a drawing game and who knows what else! When they got off, Brooklyn was the happiest I had seen her in a long time.  She was SO bubbly and bouncing off the walls with excitement.  I love that she had so much fun with her cousin but I was also sad that this was the only social interaction she's had for months!

We realized that we had only been to Battelle Darby Creek in the winter and early spring when everything was still dead. So we decided to head back and check it out when everything was green and beautiful. Normally the girls want to keep hiking and exploring, but this time they were content to play in the creek most of the time. We haven't gotten much rain this summer so the creek was really low and it was perfect for them to explore!

We finally made it to the first day of school and it was all online. My kids were really sad about that but we converted our playroom into their school and I tried to make it the best I could. I made them a special breakfast and made them name tags for their desks. I also wrote them each a letter telling them how much I loved them and that we would make this year great, no matter what it looks like.  I couldn't believe how long they expected the kids to sit on zoom and just listen to the teacher but they did great! We celebrated making it through the first day by ordering out from Texas Roadhouse.

We had planned on working more on the scavenger hunt we got for my bday but we misunderstood a clue and ended up downtown.  We decided to put the scavenger hunt on hold again and just walk along the Scioto Mile. Brooklyn decided she really loved this random, creepy deer statue and it was funny hearing her talk to it as if it was her best friend. I guess she really has missed being around people! We sat in the swinging benches, watched people paddleboard down the river, and even splurged and let the girls each take a short ride on an electric scooter right as a big downpour started.  We were pretty close to the car but by the time we got there, we were all soaked through! It was a very chill night but the weather was great and it was a night we really needed!

COVID numbers in Ohio had just gone down and the schools were determined to open up as quickly as possible so we only had one week of fully online school and then they announced they would be switching to a hybrid plan!  The poor teachers were left scrambling and working through the weekend to get things ready but my kids were so thrilled to be in school.  The Friday before it started, the teachers spent a lot of time on Zoom explaining all the new rules and how school would look during COVID times.  It was very overwhelming and stressful and my kids were freaking out!  It was a very long, emotional day and it made me really worried about how they would do at school.  It was even harder than usual to watch them walk in and I stressed about them all day! But they came running out after school with the biggest smiles on their faces and all talking so fast and excited. It made me really happy that we made the decision to start school, my kids really needed it! 

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