Saturday, January 25, 2020

October 2019

October brought more record high heat.  It felt so strange to be putting up fall and Halloween decorations when it still felt like July. But Brooklyn and I got to enjoy a lot of days at the park and time outside so we were very happy! 
I am so happy my Harry Potter obsession got passed down to Kaylee. She needed new winter jammies and we found these super cute Hogwarts ones that she has practically lived in since.  I wish they came in my size!
We read about the armor of God in our family scripture reading one night and decided to have a speedy scavenger hunt. We would read about one piece of the armor and then everyone would have to race and find something that would work for that specific piece of their armor. It ended up being really fun and we saw some VERY creative options!
Jason had to come to Ohio for work and so he drove down to Columbus one night to see us. Richard took him exploring around German village and showed him a few sights around the city and then he came to our house for a little bit. It was great to see him!
Kaylee sliced the roof of her mouth open with a straw one night at dinner. I was worried she would need stitches in such an awkward place but it seemed to heal just fine on it's own. She was on a liquid only diet for a few days though and was in a lot of pain.
We went to the Halloween event in Hilliard where they do trick-or-treating and have a few activities for the kids to do. It was sad for us to realize that the last time we went to this activity, Mom was with us.  We missed her but still had fun. We also stopped by an emergency preparedness fair that our church did with another big church by our house. I don't think they had very many people show up so we were glad we went to check it out. 
Kaylee signed up for a special event sponsored by Amazon called Girls Tech Day. It was a really cool event they had at the high school. They had guest speakers, made a bracelet with their initials spelled out in binary code, and got to play with robots.  Plus they had a huge lunch and treats for the kids and the parents. 
We were so happy to get our copy of Adam the Ant in the mail! Holly and Julie did such a great job on it and I was so proud of them for getting another book published in just a year!
We had a lot of sickness in our family as the cold weather finally hit. We all took turns being sick for about two weeks. Brooklyn was sick but couldn't resist jumping in the leaves I raked up in the back. Last year I don't remember having a ton of leaves but I was shocked how many bags of leaves we raked up this year. It was multiple weeks of work but it made the girls happy to have lots of piles to play in!
Kaylee and I were sick and missed the ward Halloween party but Richard and the other two had fun. Richard went as a joke, or a dad joke, and loved people telling him he was a joke all night. 
McKenna was sick on Halloween and stayed home from school but we caved and let her still go trick-or-treating for a little bit.  The cold weather definitely hit hard when it finally came and Halloween was so freezing! The ice-cold wind blew straight through all of our layers and you could tell a lot of people didn't stay out long. I was miserable but it didn't seem to slow the girls down at all!

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