Friday, August 5, 2011


Like most little kids, Kaylee loves animals (as long as they don't come too close to her!).  And she says the word 'animals' so stinking cute! I tried to get a good video of her saying it but missed it most of the time, so this is the best I got.
We took her and her cousin James to the Bean Museum on Tuesday and she just ran around the whole time either saying "Woooah" or "animals!"  It is the most adorable thing ever and she had a blast with James tagging along behind her.  We are going to miss all this fun cousin time!


Mary said...

Love the last picture!! Just a forerunner of your future family in a year or so - except that it will be two girls. Cute, cute, cute. I love her animals. I will have to have her say it me in person.

Cheri said...

Way to go taking advantage of all the family time before you go. Wink