Sunday, October 6, 2024

February 2024

 The Harry Potter obsession continues! Brooklyn and I took a trip to the dollar store and got supplies to make a ton of Harry Potter crafts from ideas we found in library books. We made wand pencils, Pensieve dishes, Mandrake pencil holders, potion bottles, and Marauder Map mugs just to name a few.

Brooklyn has been asking if we can renew our Conservatory pass and we finally did it. Her and Richard spent a day there one Saturday when I wasn't feeling great and the other girls had other things going on. 

That night Kaylee went to her second church dance. Richard stayed as a chaperone and tried not to embarrass her too bad but one of the boys in our ward also had a dad there who had no qualms about taking a picture of his son and Kaylee dancing together!

Brooklyn wanted to make a monster Valentine's box and for once I did hardly anything on it! I thought she did a great job. Kaylee got her first Valentine from a boy and we teased her endlessly about it. We did our traditional mixed up menu, which is loved by all of us. I tried to make it extra themed this time by buying heart shaped food or cutting things into hearts and roses. 

Kaylee got into the Junior National Honor Society! It is a big deal here and is not just based on grades. She had to get a minimum number of service hours, fill out a huge application, get signatures from teachers, church leaders, and community leaders for service projects she has done, and write an essay! We were proud of her for working so hard on it. 

Brooklyn loves planning parties and asked if she could have some friends over for a Valentine's party. She had 3 friends over and McKenna and her friend joined in too. We played MASH, unscrambled Valentine's words, did a version of musical chairs with hearts that had little things to do written on the back, did a version of Apples to Apples called "Hearts to Hearts", and she gave a little bag of candy to all of them. She had way more planned that we didn't have nearly enough time for!

Richard took the kids sledding with one of our neighbors. First they went to our favorite spot with little hills but then they decided to go to new hill. They said it was fun but was long and steep so by the time they had gone down the hill a couple of times, they were ready to go!

We did our annual President's Day debate but Kaylee decided not to participate this time. I'm pretty sure Brooklyn was Kamala Harris but I can't remember who McKenna was! We asked them a ton of questions about what they would do as president and were very impressed with their answers.

Kaylee got invited to go to a skating party that was put on by her friend's orthodontist. I think we have been going to the wrong orthodontist!! Our kids haven't been skating a ton but they are all actually pretty good at it.

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