Sunday, April 14, 2013

Conference Visit

I invited Holly to come join us for General Conference weekend but didn't really think she would take us up on it.  I was VERY happily surprised when she accepted and came to party with us for four whole days! You'd think with two extra kids and a husband who had to be gone for half of it, we wouldn't hear one word of Conference but the kids did SO good.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I heard way more of Conference this time than I did in October.  Go figure. Of course the kids had plenty of fighting moments and we pretty much have to keep Emery and Kaylee in separate corners...but for the most part our kids actually got along!  Wahoo- gotta love when cousins actually have fun together. We did all the usual stuff (pet store, zoo, playground) but it is always way more fun when you have someone to do it with you!  Kenna basically looked like this the entire time we were at the zoo and the pet store- she LOVES animals!!
I was a little afraid for this puppy's life because she was loving it a little too much...but it was so cute to see how happy it made her!
Thanks for an awesome weekend Hol!!!!!!


Rach said...

When did your girls get so big? Fun to see what you guys are up to. :)

Julie said...

Ha ha - there's Kaylee's tongue again. Funny girl!

Cheri said...

I couldn't help but think of Animaniacs and Elmyra when you talked about fearing for the puppies life that McKenna was holding.

kristi said...

Whoa - the puppy's eyes are bulging out!! :) Glad you guys had fun. And glad you heard much more of Conference. That truly is something to celebrate with four little kiddos!