Friday, November 16, 2012

November Baby

In honor of this being Kenna's birthday month, I thought I would help all of you get to know this adorable little girl better as she prepares to turn ONE (when did that happen??) at the end of this month. Besides being the most beautiful little girl in the world
here are some fun facts about McKenna:
-She is walking like a champ and never really crawls anymore. 
-She loves food!  And I mean REALLY loves it.  If you are eating in front of her, even if she is not hungry, she gets so offended and begs and begs until you give her some. And she probably out-eats any other kid in the world.  She eats twice as much as Kaylee does but burns it right off wandering all over the house.
-Her favorite foods are bananas, cottage cheese, and yogurt and she will literally lose her mind if she sees them and doesn't get to eat them.  It makes grocery shopping much more interesting...
-She loves watching other kids but doesn't like to be touched.  Usually if another kid tries to touch her, even in a nice way, she cries and comes over to me. Her one exception, of course, is for Kaylee. She gets really sad when she can't see Kaylee
-She smiles and laughs at just about everything.  She has a huge, beautiful smile that can light up your whole day no matter what else has been going on
 -She loves her Daddy and will wander all over the house saying "Dada, dada" looking for him.  When he gets home she is SO excited and runs right over to him 
-She tries to do everything she watches her big sister do.  She has been hurt many times trying to jump, climb, tackle, and get into everything that Kaylee does
-She does not like to be in the stroller. She does fine in the car, but try to strap her into her stroller and she will be squirming and crying in about 5 mins.  Needless to say, we don't go on many walks anymore.
-She has the most adorable little curls coming in just on the back of her head. Hopefully that means that she will have curly hair all over when she gets a little older!
-She is the exact opposite of Kaylee in just about every way.  One of those ways is that she does not like to read books.  She will bring a book to you and sit down for about .25 seconds before she pushes it out of the way and is off exploring again.
-She got 8 teeth really fast (her 8th came in at about 7 months) but hasn't even had a glimpse of another tooth since. 
-I am positive she already wants to take after her mom and play soccer.  She can already kick the ball so good and tries to back it out with her heel when it goes up against the wall.  She is a natural!
-If she is not tired, there is nothing that will make her go to sleep.  And I mean NOTHING.  (trust me, I've tried all of them at 3:00 in the morning).  But when she is tired, she lays right down and goes to sleep.  We never even had to do sleep training with her, she preferred to just fall asleep on her own. 
-She is the most determined little girl you will ever meet.  If she has her eye on something, there is nothing you can do to distract her.  And she usually doesn't get frustrated when you take her away from it, she just starts right back towards whatever it is she wants.  Here is the perfect video to show how determined she is: 
We love our beautiful, smart, talented, funny, happy, AMAZING little girl!


Holly said...

I swear she must be so shy when she's around us because I have never see her laugh and smile like the video. Dang. We need to come to your house more often so she likes me :-) Cute Kenna.

Mary said...

I love her cute little laugh and her happy personality. I love your summary of her characteristics. What a cutie!!

Cheri said...

She is such a beautiful blue eyed doll. I love the little videos you put on. So fun to see them in their own environment.