Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Getting Bigger Every Day

McKenna is getting so big!  She is now five months old, has two teeth, sits up REALLY good (with some support) and started the new adventure of eating rice cereal!
Kaylee is such a little mommy to all of her friends and recently that has transferred to being a little mommy to Kenna as well. I think she finally realized that McKenna is a kid like her instead of just a thing attached to mommy's arms and now wants to constantly hold her, feed her, burp her, give her toys, etc. Which is great except for now I have to watch them very closely!  Before, I never worried about leaving Kaylee alone with McKenna because she mostly ignored her but now I am a little nervous about it because she is really good about sharing everything with her. 
 What a great big sister to have!!


Julie said...

I think that picture of McKenna at the top is adorable. Can she really be old enough for sitting and rice cereal? :(

kristi said...

ha ha - HOW CUTE!! I can't believe Kenna is that old. She needs to STOP growing until she gets here. Then she can go from 0 to 6 months in just a few weeks! Then we can enjoy the process too!! :)

Mary said...

I love Kaylee's sweet little voice and how kind she talks to her. It really does sound like a mommy voice:)!!

Jennifer said...

woah -- I cannot believe they're both so big!

When did Kaylee turn into a little kid?!